Monday, June 7, 2010



-Stand with your hips and shoulders square to the net. Your feet should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly so you can move quickly in either direction.

-Hold your arms up, elbows out, palms facing the net at about eye level. Keep your hands here whenever the ball is on the other side because it can cross the net at any time. You need to be ready whether it crosses accidentally, if their setter dumps the ball onto your side or if a hitter attacks it.


– When you jump, spread your fingers, push your arms up over your head about shoulder-width apart and push with your shoulders. Think about trying to bring your shoulders to your ears. Drop your head to reach further over, but keep your eyes up on the hitter.


– Shoot your arms as far over onto the opponent’s side of the net as possible – this is called penetrating the net. Leave as little space between your arms and the top of the tape as possible without touching the net. Do not allow the ball to get between you and your side of the net.Turn


– If you are blocking on the outsides of the court, keep your inside arm and hand flat, but angle your outside hand and forearm into the court. This way, if the ball hits that arm it will bounce off of you and back into the court, not outside the lines.

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